Fear is what prevails in so many government systems, including China’s. China’s brutal slaughter of Tibetan monks and nuns was a statement that the contemplative, spiritually minded people better stop thinking about reincarnation and get down to the dirty realities of physical life in this world. This is a world where the ego-mind wants to dominate and control based on its greed and fear. Fear that this is our only life so we better get as many goodies for ourselves—including invading people’s homes and snatching their property.
Human rights in China, in spite of Confucius’ wisdom, have been ignored. People are not seen as sacred, eternal souls that need to be loved, cherished, and cared for. For example, Mao's policies were responsible for vast numbers of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims due to starvation, persecution, prison labor, and mass executions. Meanwhile, he was eating luxuriously and living the life of earthly abundance.
If you think this is the only life, then it is short, brutish, nasty and not worth all the suffering. If you know that nothing can kill your Soul and it goes on eternally, how can anyone twist your arm to obey their unreasonable and cruel policies? You know that with reincarnation comes Karma and what goes around comes around. So it’s best to be kind and foster the rights of others. China and other governments (such as North Korea, the Soviet Union, and other totalitarian states) have never been interested in that and have been examples of monumental failures to provide for their people..