Humans have evolved this ability or consciousness as the next step in the constantly expanding evolutionary process. As with every other adaptation, consciousness, which includes spirituality, enables us not only to survive, but to thrive. Without spirituality, we are like hyenas, surviving by getting over on others, pilfering, being blood-thirsty, and showing no mercy. That is all great for hyenas because that is their world.
The human world contains the possibility of growth and achievement; of reflecting on the marvels of the universe and harnessing that wonder into creativity. Hyenas do not build roads or create Internets. They do not write plays or debate ideas with each other. They live in a structured pack world of kill or be killed so they can breed and create more hyenas. That is it.
With our expanded consciousness, like other more highly evolved animals, such as the apes, we discovered helping each other out enabled us to survive better. Moreover, it enabled us to be happy in life, to trust each other more, and to feel at peace. Compassion, or feeling for others, came with our expanded abilities to think, to put ourselves in the place of others, instead of just following the instinct of “me first.”
Our ability to debate, question, feel the Spirit within, and feel compassion for others is evidence of a very complex evolutionary process that is moving in cosmic proportions.