If we try to examine an sub-atomic particle (or wave) with a scanning electron microscope, we will alter the atomic structure as we shine light onto it. In other words, the viewer interacts with what it being viewed. This is true for consciousness as well. It cannot be seen and if it is, it is uniquely colored by the perceptions and interpretations of the experiencer.
We cannot locate the place in the brain where consciousness occurs. But we all know when we are conscious and aware. Some say there are only three states of consciousness: Deep sleep, dreaming or REM sleep, and waking awareness. In that sense, we are talking about physical consciousness. The brain kicks into gear during waking consciousness and we join the world of activity. One day we can no longer manage waking consciousness and we die.
But does our consciousness die with us? No. Too many people who have had near-death or even death experiences and have returned, tell us that they are still aware, they are just floating unseen above their bodies. That kind of consciousness is our eternal Soul. It can never die, even if the body fades away.
All we can do is go by our own experience and by what others have sworn to. If you can feel the cosmic consciousness that endures beyond the decay of the body, you have encountered your Soul. And like the invisible particles and waves that make up the atoms in our very convincing physical reality, we cannot see or measure this level of consciousness.