Discover Your Soul Mates
Over many years of working with Past Lives, I have discovered that for those couples who feel a deep love for one another, often at their first meeting, there exist many past lives of loving one another that have been shared by two souls.
Throughout time and history, they have joined together in a common goal to help each other while experiencing life on the Earth's plane. In several lifetimes they were joined in a common bond of love, frequently in marriage. Other types of soul mates are here with us for our spiritual good and gaining, though the relationship is not always smooth sailing.
Learn how to recognize your soul mates and to attract them into your life. This session answers these questions and more:
Throughout time and history, they have joined together in a common goal to help each other while experiencing life on the Earth's plane. In several lifetimes they were joined in a common bond of love, frequently in marriage. Other types of soul mates are here with us for our spiritual good and gaining, though the relationship is not always smooth sailing.
Learn how to recognize your soul mates and to attract them into your life. This session answers these questions and more:
- How do you know if someone is really your soul mate?
- What karmic connections lead us to love?
- Does everyone have a soul mate?
- Can we have more than one soul mate?
The Theory of Soul Mates
"The quest for love—and for that perfect partner—is really a quest for wholeness" (Aristotle)
Meeting someone and having a very positive and powerful attraction to them right away is a sign that this is someone we have loved well before. This is of course all a matter of degree. We might define a soul mate as someone that we feel a very positive immediate attraction to, AND someone we feel compelled to be with or know better. It's almost as if this connection takes on a life of its own, and we get swept up in its undeniable magnetic force.
What is the Soul?
The soul is an energy force within each of us that never dies. Shared and remembered a love is as deep as the soul itself. It is the fertile ground for deep spiritual growth.
What is Soul Mating?
Soul mates are friends and loved ones who are responsive to your love, and with whom you are deeply connected and share a common path and purpose. Your soul mate may be someone who has come to be with you and learn similar lessons. Or, it can be someone who has come to assist you in your spiritual growth by showing you more about yourself and offering you ways to open your heart. A soul mate can be someone who is connected to you from other lifetimes and with whom you are continuing a well-developed past-life relationship. Or, this may be your first lifetime together on earth.
Many say that your soul mate is somebody who is really your other half, someone who fills that void within your heart, that very special person who makes you more whole than you already and who you have ties to from past lives and future lives. You share that unbreakable cosmic bond. When you see them there is just divine a spark between you that literally lights up both your worlds and the world becomes a heavenly place.
"A soul mate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communication and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace. This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life." (Thomas Moore).
A Sense of Immediate Connection
This sense of immediate connection arises from unconscious or soul memories of previous loving experiences. A "soul mate," then, is someone with whom we have shared many loving past life experiences.
Everyone is unique but what is similar is that at critical times your soul mate will enter your life to help you on your path. Some are there only for a while. Some stay forever.
It’s more than just compatibility, more than just being suited to each other. It’s as if you belong with each other and always have, and know it from the instant you meet.
It is more than just the desire for something more than a secure and comfortable marriage.
Inviting a Soul Mate into your life involves more than just being ready to experience blissful love. Soul-mate love demands relationship skills and requires that you get on the path to your own growth as well.
Purpose: Spiritual Growth
Soul mate is a label we attach to souls that have chosen to unite for the purpose of spiritual growth and transformation in a lifetime. Soul mates take a wide variety of flavors and forms in human expression.
The Ideal Soul Mate
More common and more sought after by the human mind is the soul mate at one end of the spectrum--the idealized concept of the pure romantic lover:
- Deep passion and sensuality
- Tremendous unconditional love and joy
- Total bliss and ecstasy
Dark Soul Mates
Yet there are soul mates who attain the same soul-level goal of growth and spiritual attainment who are completely on the other end of the spectrum. Two souls, who do not necessarily like each other in life, join together to set the stage for incredible spiritual transformation, growth and healing.
Many Variations
Between those two extremes are many, many possible variations on the theme of soul mates. Two souls in some form join together or mate with each other, not necessarily in a sexual way, designed for mutual growth and healing, mutual karmic evolution and karmic fulfillment of the life path of those two immortal souls.
The Immortal Soul
“Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting;
The Soul that rises with us, our Life’s Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar.”
William Wordsworth (Ode to Immortality)
Recognizing a Soul Mate from the Past
Many books have been written on the subject of soul mates recognizing each other and reuniting from former existences.
Voltaire: ”It’s just as remarkable to be born once as twice.”
George Harrison: "Friends are all souls that we've known in other lives. We're drawn to each other.”
What sets the soul mate apart from others?
Telltale signs:
- Delicious urgency
- A feeling of warm and instant familiarity
- An overpowering impression that you have known one another before.
Edgar Cayce: "Love at first sight. That sense of instant familiarity with strangers is a lingering remembrance from the past, with the promise of love that passeth earthly understanding."
Examples of Soul Mates
- Romeo and Juliet
- The Brownings
- Heloise and Abelard
- Ruth and Naomi
- Harold and Maud
- Cathy and Heathcliff: “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. He is more myself than I am.”
What’s Keeping You Apart from Your Soul Mate?
- Unfinished business with someone else
- Unresolved family issues
- No time, desire, or motivation
- Fear of getting what you really want
- Commitment issues
- Karma: Karmic debt accrues when you have made mistakes, perhaps hurt people or affected their growth in a negative way. This happens over lifetimes. When people to whom you owe a Karmic debt come into your life you will give them the help they need, even if doing so takes you off your own path. Example: You keep giving with little in return and it makes no sense. Then it’s over with little or no reason. The karma is now complete and you can move on.
More than One
Most people have more than one soul mate. You may already be in several soul mate relationships with friends and loved ones. A soul mate can come in the form of a life partner, treasured friend, child, or lover. A soul mate can be someone with whom you share a spiritual path, a joint work in the world, or a commitment to be parents to certain souls. It can be someone whose growth you are sponsoring, such as a child.
If we look at all the people we've loved long and well in this lifetime alone, it becomes clear that we are not limited to just one "soul mate" for all eternity, or even for each lifetime.
Soul Age
I define soul age as the amount of soul love, soul will and purpose, and soul light that people are able to express through their personalities. Soul age reflects the degree to which people are living as souls and the receptivity of their personalities to their souls. You may be a very old soul, and a soul you are with may be a very old soul, yet a younger soul than you are. Or, you may be with an older soul than you are, yet still be an old soul yourself. If you want to attract a soul mate for an intimate relationship, decide if you want to attract a younger, same-age, or older soul as your soul mate. Or, you can leave the choice to your soul.
Younger Soul Mates
Being in an intimate relationship with a younger soul offers you many opportunities to develop the qualities of teaching, serving, and empowering. Younger souls can provide you with a chance to pass on much of what you have learned and to recognize the growth you have gained. Being a teacher can be very rewarding when the younger soul is willing to grow and wants to learn from you. If the younger soul does not want to change or grow, you will most likely feel drained and frustrated rather than energized. If someone's soul age is a great deal younger than yours is, you may expend much energy with few results.
Qualities Gained from Younger Soul Mates
In a relationship with a younger soul, you will have an opportunity to gain the soul qualities of patience and compassion. You will learn how to empower others without taking responsibility for their lives, saving them, or taking away their lessons. You will discover how to be in a relationship with someone whose vision is not as expanded or as farseeing as your own. You will be challenged to be loving, humble, forgiving, and kind. Younger souls sometimes feel threatened by older souls, and may try to reduce an older soul's confidence and personal power to feel better about themselves. If you decide to join with a younger soul, be certain that this person wants what you have to offer and is receptive to change and growth. When this is the case, you can find it very rewarding to be with a younger soul and watch this person evolve.
Same-age Soul Mates
Most of you choose to be in relationships with souls who are of a similar soul age to yourself. With a same-age soul, you will often be growing at the same rate, and learning some of the same lessons. There is the potential for great joy as well as for intense conflicts in a same-age soul relationship. You will be challenged to gain the soul qualities of self-love. The degree to which you love yourself will determine your ability to love the other person, who will be reflecting back to you many of your own personality traits and qualities. A same-age soul relationship has the potential of being very intimate, for knowing the other can be like knowing yourself. You will need to be vulnerable and allow another person into your heart.
Older Soul Mates
Being in a relationship with an older soul brings different kinds of challenges. You might think that relationships with older souls would be the easiest, because of the compassion, understanding, and spiritual light they can offer you. With an older soul, you will be the student. You will be challenged to grow and to let go of any unevolved reactions. If the soul you are with is too advanced, you may be called to grow at a pace that is too rapid for you.
Some Soul Mate Illusions: Time
If you want to attract a life partner as your soul mate, there are several illusions you will need to relinquish. One is that your soul mate is someone you will be with for the rest of your life. You can have a soul mate relationship that lasts a few weeks, months, or years. Time has nothing to do with the quality of your connection and its importance in your life. You may be in a soul-mate relationship with someone that lasts for the rest of your life. Or, you may have learned all you came together to learn and fulfilled the higher purposes of your relationship in just a few months or years.
The Illusion of Only One
Another illusion is that there is only one soul mate who is your true life partner. You may have already had a soul mate connection with a life partner, sharing a caring, loving bond that created much growth for you. Just because your outer connection has ended does not mean that this was not a soul-mate relationship. There are several soul mates who could be right for you if it is time for you to have a soul mate in your life. Who you attract at any given time will depend upon the lessons you need to learn and the higher path you are choosing. It will also depend on your soul mate's readiness to be with you.
The Illusion of The Perfect Person
In any soul mate relationship, you will need to let go of the illusion that there is a perfect person waiting for you who will fulfill your every expectation and give your personality everything it desires once you are together. Do not expect your ideal soul mate to be someone who is always loving and easy to get along with, who agrees with everything you say or do, and who brings you a life of ease and comfort. You may experience your soul mate in this way at times, and at other times this person may challenge you to love as your soul does through his or her unevolved expressions of love. Soul mates always bring you growth and give you many chances to awaken your heart centers. Sometimes this process of growth is easy, and sometimes it is not. Soul mate relationships offer you wonderful opportunities to work at the soul level.
Three types of Soul Mates
Twin Flame
Twin Flames are very different and very rare. Twin Flames are two people in two separate bodies that share the same Soul. Twin Flames meet each other in their first incarnation so that they remember the soul frequency of the other being. They are then usually reunited on their last time to this planet. If Twin Flames meet before they are ready they can be the total opposite and not at all compatible. When Twin Flames meet and are ready for each other, it is the most enjoyable experience possible on Earth.
At this point, Twin Flames are almost identical. They truly compliment each other and it is a hardship for them to be apart. As an outside observer it is sometimes hard to distinguish the two people. They also have a very strong bond and often have telepathy with each other. Their lives even before meeting each other have many parallels. Again, meeting your Twin Flame is very rare on this planet.
Companion Soul Mate
A project oriented love partner here to help you accomplish your goals.
Karmic Soul Mate
To whom we are uneasily drawn but from whom we have hard lessons to learn from the past.
Synchronicity is the principle that events do not happen to us by chance. If you are ready to meet your soul mate, it will happen. And if not, whomever you meet here has a role to play in your life, if you are open to discovering what it may be. In any case, a sincere exchange between male and female, as well as the same genders, is nurturing to both.