Sometimes cultures move backwards, as we see in social systems where scientific inquiry and individual thinking is discouraged or even punished. Often these cultures are based on fundamentalist religious views that are strongly tribal and warlike.
Other cultures leap ahead, due to technology. Where there were landline phones at all, cell phones are now prevalent, jumping a huge leap ahead. This changes the way individuals in a culture interact with each other. The internet brings the world to anyone with a phone and connectivity. Now they can see how people beyond their immediate culture are behaving and living their lives.
I don’t care what it is: The sun, the stars, and every drop of water on this planet. It is all in a state of flux. That is the order of the Universe. Nothing is stagnant, static, and permanently dead. It all changes and transmutes into something else. Sometimes it is fast, sometimes slow, but the wheels of change grind on producing and creating endless possibilities