- Define what consciousness is. A person in a coma may be minimally conscious. Others attain cosmic consciousness and feel spiritual unity with all that is. Maybe the word “consciousness” is too imprecise, cannot be defined and therefore scientists cannot study it.
- Measure consciousness. This means they need instruments to do this. Right now the instruments to do this would destroy the part of the brain where consciousness is supposed to reside (if it resides solely in the brain).
- Determine exactly where consciousness resides. Some researchers posit that it is partly in the gut. The gut has been called “The Second Brain” as this Scientific American Article presents: Gut Feelings–the "Second Brain" in Our Gastrointestinal Systems [Excerpt]
Science has its limitations about what it can tell us about our world. This is especially true about the non-physical things, such as consciousness. We then must turn to quantum physics. That is where all the unseen forces of the universe are taken into account. The empty space between the stars and the empty space in and between the atoms cannot be seen—only proven through calculation. The mathematics of consciousness does not exist right now but may in the future as we move into a more evolved state of collective consciousness.