Sean Spicer Wasn't Hiding In the Bushes, He Was Merely "Among' the Bushes."
Sadly, this is not a great path for their soul’s growth and cannot lead to happiness. On their deathbed, when they look back at their lives, they will see that they didn’t get ahead at all. They wasted their time backing ideas and systems that do not serve the planet and now they are about to cross over. Karmically, they will have the chance to balance this out in another lifetime. But why waste the life they have now. They could use that effort and skill in serving others rather than bamboozling them.
People who have the philosophy, “He who dies with the most toys wins,” are missing a very important point. They can’t take any of those toys with them to the Other Side. Mistakenly, they think the ends (lots of toys) justifies the means (dishonest, double-dealing). So they are in error. However, they have all of eternity to work it out in, even if they mess it up this time around