We can see that the ego-mind, with its inability to live in the present moment, is constantly seeking something to give it relief. But it can’t find it because it is the very structure of the ego mind that is the problem. This survival-based mind, with its defensiveness, desire to prove itself right, and need for more, more, and more—cannot be still.
This is how all the great thinkers and spiritual masters have evolved. If they were all living in a state of Pure Positive Energy 24/7, there would have been no impetus to leave that state of bliss. But the ego mind does not comprehend the bliss of peace. It struggles, suffers, can’t stand the present, thinks something in the future might do the trick. For a state of bliss, we need a combination of the Soul and the heart that bypasses the mind and its natural state of fear.
Each bit of suffering we undergo can be transmuted into something profound and meaningful, if it leads to our further discovery of the truth of our Soul. That is where peace abides and nowhere else. As difficult as suffering is, it is an indicator that we can find a way out—it is not permanent and we don’t need to get lost in the misery of it. It is not the end of anything, just the beginning of our search for who we are as Eternal Souls.