Higher consciousness is an energy field. The hyperactive brain, with its non-stop cascades of thoughts, can actually be a deterrent to discovering it.
The brain, like other parts of the body, such as the hand, is a useful tool for the purpose of survival. It has enabled us to rise to the top of the food chain because it coordinates our intentions with our behavior, and mixes in a bit of logic and memory.
The brain also learns from experience and cultural indoctrination. And it helps us to organize our mouth movements and sounds into language so we can communicate with each other. But it is not the seat of higher consciousness and cosmic connection.
To find that level of consciousness, we need to go somewhere other than the brain: It is a combination of the heart and the gut. These are the receptacles for the “peace that passeth understanding” or nirvana or samadhi or heaven. If scientists continue to look for consciousness in the brain, it will be fruitless, for that is not where it lives. They will have to understand that higher consciousness is not contained in a bone-encapsulated mass of jelly and fluids. This miraculous system exists within the Higher Intelligence of the universe.