- Mao ZeDong killed 78 million of his own people.
- Josef Stalin killed 23 million of his own people.
Notice that both of them were shoving Communism down people’s throats and imprisoned and exterminated anyone who didn’t go along with their program.
- Adolph Hitler killed 17 million people to further his program of the pure Aryan Race.
- Leopold of Belgium killed 15 million Congolese and slaughtered countless animals as he plundered this land for his wealth and glory.
- Hideki Tojo (Japan): 5 million
- Ishmael Pasha (Turkey): 2.5 million
- Pol Pot (Cambodia): 1.7 million
- Kim II Sung (North Korea): 1.6 million
- Mengisu Haile Mariam (Ethiopia): 1.5 million
- Yakubu Gowon: (Nigeria): 1.4 million
All of these dictators used terrorism, torture, and disfigurement as a way to further their ends. The appalling aspect of it is that they were able to enlist so many of their fellow countrymen to go along with their schemes. They turned millions of people into murderers, even of their own family members.
And that is what happens when we let the ego mind dominate our lives. Looking at these statistics must be a wake-up call to stop the insanity once and for all. It is time for us as a species to move to another level of consciousness. If we continue indulging in the rapacious, fearful, and hateful ego-mind we will continue to produce wicked and violent leaders and the people who are willing to help them accomplish their destructive objectives.