Because we can’t sit still and be at peace, we engage in a lot of activities and create a lot of drama. Descartes is not referring to our daily survival activities of eating, sleeping and taking care of business. He is talking about after all our needs are met, we must add more to the picture.
We can’t sit still and be at peace. We’ve got to jump up and do something. Peace bores us. Drama interests us. And so we add more and more to buy, maintain, clean, fix, return, complain about, and cry over.
Simplifying life means getting rid of all the excess stuff: Excess thoughts that don’t bring harmony, toxic people who make us feel bad when we are around them, all the extra toys, trinkets, clothes, and accumulations that end up dragging our lives down. The extra bills, the huge amount of information and constant engagement with social media. In other words, as Socrates says in the book The Peaceful Warrior: “Take out the garbage.”