And so, The Secret is pitched as something that will make your physical life successful and happy. You can get all the goodies and fun experiences you want by just employing this immutable law: Like attracts like. If you put out enough good vibrations, all the great stuff will come to you and you’ve won the game of life!
But what the Law of Attraction is really about is the inner journey of depth and spiritual understanding. It’s not about “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Yes, all good things are possible for us on the physical plane. Yet we must acknowledge that on the physical plane, it all goes away, dies, decays, goes out of fashion, or ultimately becomes another problem. “The Secret” does not make this distinction.
When we experience life from depth and inner being, even if we live in a simple room and find our entertainment in nature, which is free, we are rich. We don’t need all the stuff—The Monster Buses, the cruises, tons of excess money, tons of excess everything that needs maintenance and protection. And so The Secret has been twisted around by our culture of accumulation and outward displays of wealth, relying on magical thinking and formulas that are akin to the incantations of our primitive ancestors.
I have found that in my own life, the Law of Attraction works. Because when we are attuned to the beauty of life, we are also awake to the opportunities to use the talents we are channeling from the Source Energy of the Universe. And we stay out of our own way. But to use the Law of Attraction for our ego’s gratification or to blindly acquire stuff that makes us feel secure because we have not done the inner work, is another misguided quick fix.