Whatever it is, our souls and spirits long for it, recognize it, and feel much better when it is available to us. Without it, something is missing in our lives and many of us can’t put the finger on it. This is because spiritual and soul food can’t be consumed or even owned. It is to be partaken of but it is never used up. Beauty will always exist; peace, joy, love, harmony, intelligence cannot be destroyed.
Physical foods, no matter how fragrant and gorgeously arranged, end up as excrement. Soul and spirit food does not. It is a perpetual fountain of abundance that does not have a downside and is not subject to decay.
Now, there is such a thing as physical soul food that satisfies our longing for the experience that all is right in the world just as it is. This food is prepared with love and people can feel that love. Each ingredient is carefully selected and cooked with skill and art. The whole shared experience brings a sense of unity that is called “soul satisfying.”