Enlightened people are not here to fix the world. And they are especially not interested in imposing their idea of The Good Life on others. Fascists have done this and continue to do so and they haven’t saved anything or anyone at all. They have contributed to the pain and suffering of innocent individuals and are a blight on the human history of this planet.
The ego magnifies itself and unites with a tribe or religious faction, adding more to it’s destructive influence on the earth. We have seen that even superhuman intellect and abilities have gone toward creating weapons of mass destruction and other deadly tools.
We can also see, that great intellect and abilities, such as computer brains banks, artificial intelligence, and robotics can save people time and money. But that is merely creating convenience and profitability. As long as our global emotional intelligence lags behind our intellect, these tools will not have a transformative impact towards the overall good of the planet.