I go to work, thats the only thing I do, no friends no weekends no staying up late in night.
Because I find nothing cool, well maybe rap and some TV.
Of course, just going to work so you don’t starve to death is not enough of a meaning. But even the fact that you are supporting yourself instead of depending on others has value. You are not a burden on society and that is a good thing. So give yourself a break and notice all the good stuff about yourself.
This feeling of discontent is a good tool to move you into what you do like to do. For example, if you like rap, maybe you could write something of your own. Freud wrote all about this in Civilization and its Discontents. He says that if people weren’t so discontent with their lives and circumstances, none of the great things would have been accomplished in our civilization.
So see this un-ease as the Universe tapping you on the shoulder and saying, “You are not meant to be living in apathy and gloom. You are meant to pick yourself up and explore, be adventurous, take risks, meet new people. Just the desire for this will set you on the path to the meaning of your life. Start with your desire and the Universe will be your ally in moving it into reality.