You may be on the beach in Hawaii, sipping a Mai Tai under a clear, bright blue sky. The ocean is majestic with its glittering barrel waves. But if you think you are your ego mind and its problem-generating apparatus, you will quickly descend into a hellish state. Maybe you will compare your body to someone else’s on the beach and start the criticism process of them or yourself.
Or maybe you will think of all the work you left undone at home. And that reminds you of the difficult people you work with. Then you might feel dread because your beautiful vacation will come to an end. You will have to pay for it. It reminds you of other financial worries. On and on it goes, yackety yack.
Enlightened people know that they are not this non-stop commentator in their heads. They identify themselves with something greater and infallible. They know they are The Eternal Soul and not this finite mind that thinks it is protecting us by generating fear, even when we are relaxing on the beach. Momentary thrills and temporary kicks are possible without enlightenment. But for lasting joy, underneath all the turbulence on the surface of life, enlightenment is a must.