But how can a grain of sand have consciousness? It isn’t even alive. But panpsychism argues that all things, even a grain of sand, are part of a larger intelligence of continuity. At one time the sand grain may have been a huge mountain. Now it is tiny, but it still part of the larger Soul of the Universe that orders all things.
Plants are easier to see as having consciousness, from a panpsychic point of view. They strive for the light, get people to water them by wilting, and have intelligent ways of propagating themselves.
Another general argument for panpsychism, ex nihilo, nihil fit: Out of nothing comes nothing. Therefore conscious mind cannot arise from no-mind, so that mind must have been present at the very origin of things. An intelligent Universe would not produce stupid things. Everything is part of this intelligence. But I find this argument difficult to agree with because we have no proof the stones and rocks are aware of their environment.
Therefore, I would amend panpsychism to say, “Everything, no matter how small or large is part of the manifestation of Universal Intelligence. It is this over-riding consciousness that is at the center of everything that exists.”