People of the modern age probably don’t know enough about Lucifer, the fallen angel, sometimes considered the devil, to worship him. You might argue that modern materialism and its ceaseless emphasis on acquisition and retention, is a form of devil worship, however. Or you might say that we no longer seek the punitive image of Jehovah to be our guiding principle. That we are on a path of destruction based on false values and poor choices.
But that has nothing to do with worshiping Lucifer. Anyway, Lucifer, according to the New and Old Testaments, was created by God. He was the highest ranking angel of all. But he wasn’t content to worship and serve his Creator. He was prideful, he rebelled, leading a third of the angels to come with him. But he was unable to match the Almighty God. God threw Lucifer out of heave to the earth where he has operated as the devil ever since.
God did not create Lucifer as evil but allowed the potential for sin. While God cannot commit sin, He doesn’t take the choice away from those who want to sin. When Lucifer chose to rebel, he instantly became the author of sin. Evil is the result of a free-will choice by Lucifer in not obeying and worshipping the God who made him.
So from the point of view of free choice, it is an explanation of why there is sin and evil in this world. Where this fits into modern day spiritualism, is that we no longer worship an Almighty God to dictate our behavior. We depend more on our own desires, sense of right and wrong, and what is on trend right now to motivate our behaviors. This is not worshipping the devil, but some may say it comes close.