If you are a flighty person who cannot sit still, becomes easily bored if not entertained every minute, and do not have an introspective nature, meditation will not work for you. The phone will ring, you’ll pick it up and there goes your meditation, you drop everything and go out to meet your friend. Or, you see some dust in the corner of the room, you get something to clean it and then you notice something else. All that cleaning makes you hungry, so you get something to eat. Then you clean up after, that. What happened to your meditation?
It takes sincere devotion and commitment to meditate on a regular basis, not just when things get crazy and hectic and you want to use it as a tranquilizer. It takes a love of the deep, dark peace that you can achieve when your life and all its problems, events, and issues, take a back seat. And it is not a magic bullet that you do only when you think you need it.
Just as everyone is not able to climb Mount Everest or learn six languages fluently in a year, some people are just not cut out to be meditators. But if you have an undying passion to discover who you are beneath the surface, then you are also emotionally equipped to be a meditator.