Soul or Spirit is the organizing and underlying principle of the Universe. It actually is too big to put under a microscope. And, at the same time, no microscope is highly powered enough to see how infinitesimal it is either. We also know that the very process of viewing extremely small particles/waves that we call atoms, alters the atom itself through the light that shines on it.
A telescope is also useless in this regard. It depends on the human eye, human interpretation, and all kinds of other variables, such as the position of the earth in the vastness of space.
So we will never be able to describe the hugeness, the extreme smallness, or the qualities of Soul or Spirit in concrete physical terms, such as “The Soul is measured to be so high and looks like this.” All we can do is say that there is a probability or a possibility. That is, unless you experience your own Soul and Spirit.
Even then, you may not be able to describe it accurately, and only give an impression of what you felt. This is why people turn to poetry or art to describe what can’t really be put into regular language. However, some have tried:
- Gary Zukav: The soul is that part of you that existed before you were born and that will exist after you die. It’s the highest, most noble part of yourself that you can reach for.
- Iyanla Vanzant: The soul, I believe, is the fingerprint of God that becomes a physical body. I believe that. It’s the fingerprint... It’s unique to everybody.
- Deepak Chopra: The soul is the core of your being. It is eternal. It doesn’t exist in space/time. It’s a field of infinite possibilities, infinite creativity. It’s your internal reference point with which you should always be in touch.
- DeVon Franklin: The soul is the spirit. It is the connecting line to God. I believe the soul is where the Holy Spirit resides. I believe that it is literally, you know, when you pick up the phone and then you have your 4G network? The soul is the 4G network right to heaven to me.
- Debbie Ford: To me, the soul is a part of us that never dies. It’s who we are at our core. And it carries all the messages and the lessons that we’ve learned in the past, and will carry all the lessons and the messages that we will carry into the future.
- Eckhart Tolle: The soul is your innermost being. The presence that you are beyond form. The consciousness that you are beyond form, that is the soul. That is who you are in essence.
- Michael Singer: The indwelling consciousness that watches the mind come and go. That watches the heart come and go, the emotions of the heart. And watches the world pass before you. You, the conscious, the consciousness, the center of being, is soul.
- Wayne Dyer: The soul is the birthless, deathless, changeless part of us. The part of us that looks out from behind our eyes and has no form. The soul is infinite so there is no in or out of it. It is everywhere. There’s no place that it is not.