Imagine waking up in a universe in which only diffrence is that rapper Eminem’s name is Ominem. But everybody except you is used to Ominem. How would you feel? All your family and friends are there,but they are not really your family are they?
But our reality, our Universe the way it is and the way we experience it, might not be the only version of events out there. There are other Universes, perhaps even with different versions of ourselves, different histories and alternate outcomes, than our own. These are our past lives and our futures as well. All happening at the same time.
As a person who does astral travel, it’s fun to visit these other lives. But sometimes it is not. We are protected from getting too involved in these other versions of ourselves by the very linear nature of our minds. Our minds will not let us experience these parallel universes because our minds are time-bound by their very nature.
So, how would I feel? Great! Because it reaffirms my understanding of the Eternal Soul.