I think of the meaning of life almost constantly. It is what you do when your main concerns are the deeper issues. After a while, though, you realize that seeking meaning is a function of our human brains, that need explanations and stories. It thinks that if we apply meaning, such as: We are here to struggle through, clean up our karma, and hope we are OK with God so we don’t have to go through even more hardship and boring work.
Or, earth is a training ground for heaven or hell, or whatever.
It’s not about meaning. There isn’t any. For example, is there any meaning to the beauty of a flower? You could say, the beauty is to attract the bees to pollinate it so it can reproduce. Actually, the bees see the flower differently than we do anyway and don’t attach concepts of beauty to it. It is a source of pollen, period. But reproducing is not the meaning of life. It is just survival.
It is good that you are asking the age-old question, though. This kind of contemplation will lead to to seeing that even though there is no meaning to it, life is living itself through us and it is a miracle to witness.