Me wants certain things. Me is hungry. Me is upset when someone takes our toy away. Me feels all kinds of emotions and depends on others to fulfill our needs. We are too young to fend four ourselves, find food, clean up, and arrange for safe shelter. Me feels all kinds of emotions as Me begins to have demands. Me feels sad and lonely. Me wants attention.
As we grow further, we see that there are all kinds of things that distinguish the Me from the not-Me. Not only do our caretakers give us directions on how Me should behave but we also have schools, religious institutions, peer groups, and the society in which we are born. They all have their input into what Me should be and give flavor to what we see as the subjective self.
Inside us we are still that Universal Energy of Oneness but our minds have come to identify with all these messages of what the Me wants and what the Me should be. It also identifies as a separate body and its drives. That is the separate Me, what we call subjective consciousness. It wants things for itself. It sees things from its point of view. It is not longer content to bask in the bliss of Oneness. It needs to build itself up, add more to it, create an image, and constantly listen to the judging voice in the head to see if it measures up.
So, in a way, the Me is not so subjective after all. The problem is when we think we really are this little, separate Me and have lost touch with our Universal Soul. Often even the opinions that we think are our unique ideas, are just what our Me has been influenced to be or feel when we were too young to argue about it or protest. Me might feel a genuine distaste for certain kinds of people based strictly on what Me was been taught about them.
It is natural for the subjective self to emerge. But let’s not believe that this is who we really are. It’s just a bi-product of being on the Physical plane. If we get bogged down into thinking this subjective self is real, we will lose contact with our eternal Souls and never find inner peace. Yet it will always be there, waiting for us to awaken to it.