All the sayings, such as, “A stitch in time saves nine” are practical. It really is true that if you don’t mend the little hole, a bigger one will appear. You can’t argue with that. It doesn’t work if you spend all your money on beer when the rent is due. It works when you pay your bills on time. That’s easy to understand, though many people ignore this kind of wisdom.
But then there is deeper wisdom. This is not as easy to recognize. I am talking about the words that come from prophets, mystics, philosophers, and holy people. Now you must look within your soul to see if those words resonate and bring a deep sense of knowing and peace. They must reverberate within your own consciousness.
If you are not ready for wisdom of this kind, it will sound like so much talk. You might even parrot the words but they have not taken root in your heart. Wisdom is a partnership. It doesn’t exist on its own. It needs a receptive heart to take it in and receive its benefits.