If our friends are going along a mistaken path, we might mention to them that we have different values. We can explain that money is not really a measure of value or importance, as we can see from all the wealthy criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts. But after that, leave them to their own path.
Each person awakens at the rate they are destined to awaken. Of course, the rational and spiritually minded person sees that devoting ourselves to things that fluctuate and can be destroyed is a vain effort. Obviously, Imelda Marcos cannot take her 1,000 pairs of designer shoes with her when she crosses over to the Other Side. We can all see this.
But even after seeing this, and knowing it in their hearts, people continue to delude themselves and devote themselves to acquiring and maintaining impermanent things. They still need to wake up out of this delusion in their own time. It may be on their deathbed that they finally see it. Allow them to be who they are and continue to live life according to what makes you happy.