“The mind is a great servant and a lousy master.”
The way the mind is programmed, is to solve problems. And it thinks worrying is a way to do this. Of course, we see worrying doesn’t do anything but cause distress and cloud our thinking with fear so we cannot come to an effective solution. We need to know all this about the mind and more.
I suggest you really look into how this automatic and non-stop (except when you’re asleep and even then it will wake you up) mental software dominates your life. It sets up a cluttered background, like the house of a hoarder, that will not let you get to consciousness because of the mental noise. Recognize this and place your mind in a secondary position to your Soul, that part of you that is automatically peaceful and in tune with the laws of the Universe.
It will take watchfulness and self-examination to accomplish this and it doesn’t happen overnight. So be kind to yourself while you are working this out.