You can only talk about what is on your conscious mind. Techniques such as hypnosis, and certain drugs such as sodium pentathol, allow you to delve down into what has been long forgotten or repressed. There are problems with sodium pentothal, though. It’s a case of TMI (Too Much Information). It gives information in endless streams that are impossible to determine if they are fact or fiction.
Your conscious mind keeps things sorted and straight and it can actually influence the subconscious mind. This part of you is full of past lives memories and motivations, received knowledge from whatever culture you were born into, and repressed memories from this lifetime.
The subconscious is what motivates our actions even if we think we are making rational decisions. Yet it is possible to use our conscious mind to restructure the subconscious and correct some of the patterns that don’t serve us. Techniques such as mantras and affirmations have been successful as a way of reprogramming old subconscious mental habits that run our lives forever if they are not addressed.