As with so many deep questions, there is no simple answer. In the end, it all depends on what you can live with. If you are a soldier and are commanded to kill a child, you may decide that is where you will draw the line and refuse to do it. But then, you must be willing to accept the consequences. You may be punished or discharged for not obeying orders. Yet, when you look back at your life, you may smile about that incident and be proud that you obeyed a higher order, that of your conscience and of your soul.
Laws and rules change from time to time, and depend on different cultures, but the Soul is eternal. Keeping true to what is in your heart and Soul will bring you to a sense of inner peace about your decisions. Like Nelson Mandela, who was confined to jail for standing up for what he knew was right, you will be able to undergo hardships with an underlying sense of your life’s purpose. As he said,
“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."
These qualities exist outside any man-made laws.