The ego mind also jumps to the past: I should have said this, I should have done that, they did this to me, if this hadn’t happened then that wouldn’t have happened—also with an underlying current of fear.
The only way to be happy with the present is to live in our Souls. That is the territory that is ours that only knows the present moment and only knows peace. But if the ego mind is constantly setting up a noise screen and we just tag along with it, we won’t discover our Souls. We will just be puppets of the crazy mind that will never let us be at rest.
We can still perform activities. It’s not that we have to sit in the lotus position and meditate for the rest of our lives. The activity comes from the Soul level. Not from the ego mind.
Exercise is a good example. So many people go to the gym and work out hating it. But they think it will make them look good for some future event or so other people will admire them. Or it’s the “right” thing to do. Or they hate their bodies and want to mold them into some ideal they were not born to attain. They are not there to feel how good it is to move the body and let the muscles play right now in the present moment—not for some future event or to correct past overindulgences.
Everything done from the ego mind level is never present and is never, never, never happy. Happiness can only reside in the present moment. And that is the only moment we have anyway!