We are the ones who are paving over the forests and meadows with concrete. We are building skyscrapers that kill millions of birds a year as they slam into them during migration. And we are poisoning the air and water with chemicals. No other animal or plant dominates nature in this way.
Animals eat the products of the land and kill each other for food too. But it is all within a perfectly balanced ecosystem, where herds are culled for their ultimate health and trees and forests renew themselves in accordance with ancient cycles.
Humans, because of their ego-bound minds, want to take charge of nature. They harness it to make it obey their desires. Factories have turned people into quasi-robots performing repetitive tasks. Industry has turned them into frightened cogs in an organizational torture chamber. Technology has given humans even more tools to bend nature to their will.
Animals do not live with the same kind of stress, tension, ambition, and unrelieved fear that haunts humans. This is because the order of nature is harmony. Even destructive storms have their place in the renewal and evolution of the planet.
But humans, the fearful animals who want to build monuments to their grandeur, have continued to cause harm. Just look at all animals that have been hunted extinction or almost extinction. Look at the strip mining, the slashed and burned rainforests, the oil spills, the nuclear mishaps, and you need not go further to see the truth of how harmful humans have been to the environment.