- Waking —We feel pain and pleasure, pursue goals, suffer and enjoy
- Deep Sleep—We are minimally aware, pain goes away but we know enough to get up and go to the bathroom if needed
- Dreaming—We see mental pictures and pursue fantasies, and may lose our sense of who we are.
- Physical—We are constantly aware of our bodies, discomfort, illness, pleasure, and relaxation. This level, along with the Mental and Emotional can cause extreme distress.
- Mental—A problematic level of consciousness in which our thoughts create endless chatter, mostly based on fear. But it is also the level of consciousness through which we communicate through language.
- Emotional—A problematic level of consciousness that responds our Mental level and reacts in up and down rollercoasters of feelings. Some are happy, others devastating.
- Etheric—Now we are out of the “problem” area and into a level of consciousness where we integrate how the Mental and Emotional levels effect the Physical. We see, in this level, how the chakras are impacted and what they say about our overall health.
- Astral—This is also a problem-free area of consciousness in which many secrets of our past lives are revealed.
- Causal—A problem free zone of consciousness in which we tap into the creative forces of the Universe and become aligned with them.
- Spiritual—The unproblematic area of consciousness in which we see that all beings are united in one immense unified Soul, expressing itself in many unique ways.
- Cosmic—The glorious level of consciousness in which we are one with the Universe itself. It is in us. We are united with it and understand its eternity.