When we have reached that state, the idea of progress might not apply. We can go on to ever expanding awareness of the beauty and grandeur of Life but I would not necessarily call it progress. It’s more like, once you see it, you cannot lose it. It underlies all of our consciousness. We do not have to strive to get from here to there. We are already here and we are already there.
We can go in and out of this state according to how much we allow our ego minds to run the show. But I don’t want to depict the process as being a linear path to being a more and more spiritual person. We can watch the play of the mind and its impact on our emotions, fall for it or not, in an game of hide and seek. It can become cyclical but it is not a straight line.
Self awareness is not a deception. In one way you could say that it is impossible, like your eye trying to see itself. But in another way, self awareness means we are in tune with larger, underlying forces of the Universe. Knowing ourselves on that level is not bogus. It is the only level that counts, as any other aspect of ourselves can be destroyed and is not eternal.