Some true psychics have never heard of the third eye yet still have the gift of “second sight.” So we don’t need to depend on yogic practices to open the third eye. In my experience, psychic abilities are a gift, like a talent. We can hone it and keep it alive by such practices as kundalini yoga but it cannot be forced. Just as some have amazing musical talent and others have talents in different fields, psychic abilities present themselves to certain individuals.
It is particularly a mistake to undertake yogic practices to give ourselves powers to predict the future and to avoid all the problems of life. It’s a mistake because it won’t happen anyway. As I said, psychic abilities are a gift. We can enhance our sensitivity but we cannot smuggle our way into the inner sanctum that goes beyond the capacity of the human mind. We will not be able to get control over our lives and wrap them up in a neat bow just because we have opened our third eye.