Unfortunately for this planet, people have been exterminating much of nature since the Industrial Revolution with its smoke-belching factories. We paved over so much of the grassy lands of the world, poured poisons into the waters and air, and have driven many species of animals to extinction. But even before that, we were creating deserts by overgrazing our herds and disturbing the land in other ways.
Since it appears that so much our our approach to nature is to tame and exploit it, why would Nature even want to save us if it could? We need to respect nature first and then maybe it will save us with its bounties of foods and everything we need to thrive. If we don’t respect nature, we will be extinguished from this planet. It will reject us in a roundabout way.
Other life forms may survive our toxic relationship to nature. Perhaps they will evolve to be more intelligent in their approach to their environment next time around. They might observe Nature and seek to understand the profound lessons all around us displayed in the beauty of the world.