But when they meet their twin flame, they see themselves as if in a mirror for the first time. And it is not just a shallow reflection. They have come home to rest within the heart of another. It is this experience alone that validates the intuitive opening of the third eye chakra for some people. It is powerful and leaves them with no doubt. It shakes them to their core and they will never be the same again.
The third eye is the organ of consciousness. It represents the place from which we achieve enlightenment beyond our physical sight. A person may be going along in his or her life, wondering if there is something to this magical state or if it is another interesting story meant for others and not for them. Then they meet their twin flame.
For the first time they “see” (and this applies to the blind as well, who see with their spiritual eyes) that there is more to life than the humdrum daily grind or trying to hook up out of loneliness. They meet a person who is actually themselves in another body. They fit together perfectly, finish each other’s sentences, know what each other is thinking, share each other’s feelings. How can this be? It defies common sense and the laws of Newtonian physics! Then they realize, yes, I have been blessed with looking into that other realm.
Their third eye has awakened, it has opened, and is communing with the third eye of their twin flame.