Inability as in the lack of breaking free of the chain we enslave ourselves with.
Ignorance as in the lack of knowledge of true self,but is their true self or just a falsely believed to be true of self?
And can a human be free from themselves,if they are chained by what they believe to be true?
In that sense, our ignorance and inabilities can spur us onto the next level of our development. It is like when Paul said, “I can of mine own self do nothing .. . But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed on me was not in vain…” We need that extra boost from the Spirit to move beyond our limitations. If we try to go it alone, we will always be limited.
It is the part of the natural plan of continuous expansion and evolution to start from inability and ignorance and move into the light of understanding. Ignorance is the starting point. Recognizing our ignorance and inability is the launching pad for partnering with the Universe. It is time then, to open our heart to the world of Soul and Spirit and allow it to point the way for us.