It can experience moments of enjoyment and peace, but because of its automatic nature, it quickly returns to a state of non-stop rambling. It goes back to the past, then jumps to the future. That is why it is called The Monkey Mind. It is constantly chattering. This inner noise is the ego mind. I am not referring to the practical mind that enables us to accomplish tasks and survive.
Until we recognize the nature of this ego-mind, we will not be able to free ourselves from it. As I said, it is automatic. It starts when we wake up. If we let it take over, we will definitely be in a prison of worry and fear because it is incapable of experiencing the peace of the present moment. So we do things to make it back down, most of which are distractions and entertainments. We ingest intoxicants, mood altering substances, or do anything that keeps this beast at bay.
Interestingly, when we escape from a real prison we are free from the iron bars. But when we try to escape from the ego-mind, it does not lead to freedom. It is necessary to face it and understand how it works, or it only takes over more. It is only when we look at the way this mind behaves that we can let it carry on in the background and not be dragged around by it. Once we face it and see how it operates, it diminishes its hold on us and are free to feel the joy of our Souls.