It is not a story that has an ending with the hero being humans. If anything, humans are just part of an ever-evolving process that could end somewhere else entirely—possibly into robotics, or our ejection from this planet altogether.
People enjoy putting fairy tale aspects on nature. Lions are all cuddly and cute. Disney will never show us that male lions eat their own cubs so they can mate with the new mothers again. Deer are all Bambis and are not the conveyors of Lyme disease or the destroyers of gardens. And everything is soft, sweet, and can sing too.
Nature is much more mystical and grand than singing skunks and the idea that people are the best thing that ever emerged out of all this. Yes, we evolved a brain that allows us to be at the top of the food chain. But when we look at what we have done to nature, we don’t look too enlightened. We look selfish and ego-driven, not much better than the lion who eats his own cubs.