As humans we see things as good and evil, up and down, wrong and right but in nature it is all part of an enormous simultaneous happening and there is no value judgment about it. As humans, too, we are taught to fight against the bad and defend the good. But if we didn’t know what the bad was, it would all be good.
When we see a gazelle being devoured by a lion, it depends who’s side we’re on as to whether it this has a down-side or and up-side. To the gazelle, if it could think the way humans do, it would have a definite down-side. To the hungry lioness who needs to feed her young, it has an up-side. Yet all that is really happening here is Nature naturing. It is huge forces of the Universe playing out its dance in a series of contrasts.
We still cling to the belief that the sun is rising (coming up) and setting (going down) even though we know that the globe is rotating in space in relation to the sun and there is no down or up about it. Its more like side by side. We add more moral judgments to this natural occurrence when we attribute sunup to hope, the dawning of a new day. And we mingle our fears with the totally natural phenomenon of sundown with death. So we continue to to say, “The sun went down” and “the sun came up.”
In nature upsides and downsides co-exist and you cannot have one without the other. People try to have trouble-free lives and strive to eradicate the downside. They think can achieve only the up-side through all kinds of disciplines and escape tactics. They don’t want the lion to eat the gazelle. They don’t want animals to eat each other. Nothing should ever die. Everything should live forever. They want to fix everything and make it all upside, without realizing that it already is beautiful and perfect just as it is.