I understand that “man” can also stand for “mankind” and therefore includes everyone. But other beings are enlightened as well, such as babies and animals. So we don’t want to say that only humans are enlightened. If we look at human behavior, we can see that it is ego-centered and based on dominance and proving ourselves right, either on a personal or or a political scale. How much more enlightened is a baby, a dog, or a cat, who live only in the present moment and do not fret over the baggage of the past or anxiety about the future.
Enlightenment is a context in which we experience and view life. It is not a big fanfare of peak experiences, emotional fireworks, and do-gooder behavior. Enlightened people may act the exact same way as they did before the light went on in their consciousness about the interconnectedness of the entire Universe and the power of Source Energy. We still can get angry and cry, we may not be saintlike, we still feel things the way humans do—but we have an unshakeable inner peace that is not affected by changeful outer circumstances.
Entertaining displays of magical powers and having a cult following has nothing to do with the inner knowing that accompanies enlightenment. Words, of course, mean absolutely nothing. Anyone can spout words and sound good. They can say what people want to hear and thus be validated. Politicians have been spewing all kinds of great-sounding fluff for centuries. Televangelists have been raking in the chips with their rhetoric and end up showing moral and financial corruption in their lives.
Actions may be based on ulterior motives, such as, if I do this, I will ensure my place in heaven at the right hand of God. If I do or say this, other people with think I am awesome. And I’ve been baptized and saved because I got dunked in the river. And you’re not saved because you didn’t do that. And I also give lots to charity, so you should know how generous I am.
Enlightened people don’t care about what others think of them. They do not have to put on a show or be holier than anyone else, thus putting them down. They do not make others feel “less than” because no one can measure up to their saintliness. They may appear quite ordinary and even less spectacular than people who put on an exhibit of their holiness.
Alan Watts was an enlightened being, yet he was an alcoholic and chain smoker. Just because people have habits that are associated with the body doesn’t mean they don’t live in the divine splendor of inner radiance. Assuming that an enlightened human isn’t working through challenges because they have it all figured out is delusional.
If you have a spark of enlightenment in you, regardless of the words or actions of anyone, you will recognize their vibrational level. I walked through the majority of India and I only found one enlightened person. I only saw him for an hour or less. But that was enough. It wasn’t about his words or actions. It was strictly vibrational. I felt it when I was with him. I don’t even know his name. He was a hermit in the forest of Rishikesh. That one hour of being drenched in his powerful vibrations, was enough to last for the rest of my life.